Kaeser Compressors

COVID-19 Updates

If you're open - we're open!

18 August 2021

If you're open, we're open! As an essential utility provider it's that simple!

New Zealand returned to Alert Level 4 from 11.59 pm on Tuesday 17 August.

As an essential services provider, we continue to provide comprehensive compressed air sales and service support nationwide. 

While we remain at Alert Level 4, our office based team will be working remotely, however please be assured that they are always available to you. 

Our Service Technicians also remain available for onsite service support, in line with the NZ Government's COVID-19 related stipulations. Quite simply, if you’re open - then we’re open! Just phone 0800 447 820

Here’s a link to the NZ Government's website where you can access COVID-19 updates.

Moving forward together mindfully

Auckland returns to Alert Level 3

Update 1 March 2021

We continue to closely follow updates and guidelines from the Government. From 6 am on 28 February Auckland moved to Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand to Alert Level 2. This is due to be in place for 7 days. We remain open for business - and we will continue to be available throughout Auckland to essential businesses and services still operating within Alert Level 3 that require service support.

Alert Level 3 in Auckland

Update 15 February 2021

Auckland moved to Alert Level 3 from 11.59 pm Sunday 14 February until midnight on Wednesday 17 February, with the rest of NZ moving to Alert Level 2 for the same period. Please be assured that we are closely following updates and guidelines from the Government. From our offices - and our homes where necessary - we remain open for business - and we will continue to be available throughout Auckland to essential businesses and services still operating within Alert Level 3, that require service support.

EMEX 2021

Update 15 February 2021

Auckland moved to COVID-19 Alert Level 3 at 11.59 pm on Sunday 14 February 2021. Please note that EMEX 2021 is therefore not taking place as per the dates advertised (15-17 February 2021). As soon as we have further information from the expo organisers we will update this page.

Alert Level 3 in Auckland extended to 30 August

Update 24 August 2020

Alert Level 3 in Auckland has once more been extended and is now due to be in place until 11:59 pm on Sunday 30 August 2020, while the rest of NZ remains at Alert Level 2. We remain open for business - from our offices and our homes where necessary - and we continue to be available throughout Auckland to essential businesses and services still operating within Alert Level 3, that require service support.

Alert Level 3 in Auckland extended

Update 17 August 2020

Auckland moved to Alert Level 3 from 12 noon on Wednesday 12 August, while the rest of NZ moved to Alert Level 2. This is now due to be in place until Wednesday 26 August. From our offices - and our homes where necessary - we remain open for business - and we continue to be available throughout Auckland to essential businesses and services still operating within Alert Level 3, that require service support.

Alert Level 3 in Auckland

Update 12 August 2020

Auckland moves to Alert Level 3 from 12 noon on Wednesday 12 August for at least 3 days, with the rest of NZ moving to Alert Level 2. Please be assured that we are closely following updates and guidelines from the Government. From our offices - and our homes where necessary - we remain open for business - and we will continue to be available throughout Auckland to essential businesses and services still operating within Alert Level 3, that require service support.

With you virtually

Introducing the Compressed Air Assessment 4.0
Update 23 April 2020

The KAESER Compressed Air Assessment 4.0

While you may currently be limiting access to your site - that doesn't mean you have to compromise the efficiency and reliability of your compressed air system. With the KAESER Compressed Air Assessment 4.0 let us conduct a virtual walkthrough of your compressed air system and follow up with findings and recommendations presented to you in conference call. Please note: this service will be available once lockdown ends.

Restarting your compressor after lockdown?

Checks to do after an extended shutdown
17 April 2020

KAESER Know How blog post: How to ensure a smooth restart and maximise compressed air uptime after lockdown

Read our latest blog post where we share with you four key checks that we recommend doing before restarting your compressor after an extended period of shut down to ensure a smooth restart and maximum compressed air uptime.

Contactless Service

Now available for essential business & services
Update 9 April 2020

Contactless Service from KAESER AIR SERVICE

Did you know that for added peace of mind we now also offer Contactless Service? 

Contactless service is available now for essential businesses and services. It will be available to all customers when COVID-19 Alert Level 4 ends.

Supporting 'essential services'

Update 24 March 2020


In light of the impending move to COVID-19 Level 4 from 11.59 pm, 25 March 2020, please find below important information about the measures we have put in place to ensure that we can continue to support ‘essential services’ in the days and weeks ahead.

Continued on-site service support for ‘essential services’

We are closely following updates from the Government. At time of writing the advice is that Entities and their workers carrying out services considered essential will stay open. This also includes entities in their supply chains. As such - until we are given any guidance to the contrary - our Service Technicians will be available to support the compressed air requirements of ‘essential services’ throughout the COVID-19 Level 4 period.

Stock, spare parts and hire

Our warehouse is well stocked with compressors and spare parts and don’t forget that we hire compressors if you require a short-term increase to your existing compressed air supply.

A message from KAESER Compressors NZ

Update 23 March 2020

Peter Eckberg, Kaeser Compressors

KAESER Compressors NZ Ltd takes the health and safety of its employees and customers with the utmost seriousness and has implemented extensive preventive measures effective immediately and also moving forward.

Mitigation measures to protect our employees

At our facility;

  • We have communicated to all employees rules of conduct to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. As a constant reminder, this communication has also been printed and is displayed in our offices, kitchen, entrance to toilets and workshop.
  • We are regularly communicating COVID-19 updates to our employees, including Government self-isolation guidance and what they should do if they feel unwell.
  • We have doubled the cleaning of our facility.
  • Additional hand sanitation has been implemented with the provision of antibacterial hand sanitiser to all employees.
  • We have provided employees with antibacterial wipes and instructions on additionally wiping down their desktop surface, keyboard / laptop and phone(s).
  • Social distancing measures as per current Government requirements have been enforced, including spreading out our office staff’s working areas. This may change and we continue to refer to the prevailing Government guidelines.
  • We have enforced additional social distancing measures with our Service Technicians. Service Technicians time in our facility is now limited. We are rotating our Service Technicians so that we do not have more than one Service Technician in our facility at any one time. As an additional preventive measure, Service Technicians are not allowed access to our main office space and office staff are not allowed access to our Service Technician’s workshop space.
  • A policy of restricted access at our facility for visitors and contractors has been implemented.

In the field;

  • Our Service Technicians are now carrying antibacterial hand sanitiser with them and using this before entering and after exiting customer sites.
  • Our Service Technicians continue to wear disposable plastic gloves when they carry out service work and use a new pair at each customer’s site they attend.
  • As an additional precautionary measure when cleaning the compressor after service work is complete, our Service Technicians are using disinfectant spray and paper towels. This includes disinfecting the service doors and compressor control pad.
  • Our Service Technicians are now carrying face masks with them and will wear this if required and requested for a site visit.
  • Our Service Technicians are practicing social distancing and will follow any further measures you have put in place at your site. They will not shake hands with anyone.
  • If a Service Technician feels unwell before a scheduled site visit, they will inform us and we will either arrange for a different Service Technician to attend, or rearrange your visit with you.

Steps that will be taken to provide continuity in case of crisis escalation (positive case detection)

All employees are aware of the Government’s self isolation guidance. We are also constantly updating them with advice from the Government and Health Authorities regarding symptoms and what to do. 

If a KAESER employee is displaying the symptoms of Coronavirus, or has come into contact with someone that has tested positive, they have been advised to immediately follow Government and Health Authority guidelines and to notify us. We will inform you as soon as is practically possible if they have been on your site as well as advise you of the outcome of their test results.

KAESER Compressors NZ Ltd remains fully committed to supporting your business through these unprecedented times. If you have any questions or require any further information on this matter, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Peter Eckberg
Managing Director