KAESER Know How blog post: Operating a reliable compressed air system throughout lockdown
KAESER Know How Blog

Operating a reliable and trouble-free compressed air system for essential businesses and services will have never been so important. In this blog post we re-share recommendations on compressor daily and weekly preventive maintenance checks.

Operating a reliable compressed air system
KAESER Know How Blog

Operating a reliable and trouble-free compressed air system for essential businesses and services will have never been so important. In this blog post we re-share recommendations on compressor daily and weekly preventive maintenance checks.

Operating a reliable compressed air system

Operating a reliable compressed air system throughout lockdown

April 2020

Often considered the fourth utility, compressed air will undoubtedly be a life blood of many essential businesses and services that are continuing to work through the current COVID-19 Alert Level 4 period. Operating a reliable and trouble-free compressed air system will have never been so important. In this blog post we therefore re-share a YouTube video which provides recommendations on daily and weekly preventive maintenance checks to do, which may assist you in continuing to keep your compressed air system running reliably and efficiently.

There are a number of ways you can ensure that your compressed air system operates reliably, efficiently and at its optimum. This includes following the OEM’s recommended maintenance schedule, using only genuine spare parts and selecting only authorised Service Technician’s to carry out maintenance work. Additionally, performing the OEM’s recommended daily and weekly maintenance checks is another very simple practice that will also assist you in operating your compressed air system at its peak performance. 

An example of daily and weekly maintenance checks 

Watch our YouTube video for an example of the daily and weekly maintenance checks that KAESER Compressors recommends are undertaken on a KAESER ASK T Sigma Control Basic belt driven rotary screw compressor with integrated refrigeration dryer. 

On-going compressed air service support from KAESER AIR SERVICE


KAESER AIR SERVICE is a critical supplier to essential businesses and services. Our nationwide team of Service Technicians remain available to essential businesses and services throughout the COVID-19 Level 4 period for onsite compressed air service support. Our warehouse is also well stocked with compressors and spare parts. And, if you find yourself requiring a short-term increase to your existing compressed air supply, we’d be happy to discuss our air compressor hire options with you. 

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